Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who is Michelle and why is she called The Relationship Nurse?

Hello, I am Richard, RN, a nurse who works with Michelle,and I am the person who coined the phrase, The Relationship Nurse for Michelle.

I noticed the other nurses speaking quietly with her on a frequent basis and there would be a sudden silence when I approached. OK, I'm the charge nurse and this happens, but I also knew about Michelle's joining an origination called Slumber Time Parties about a year ago.

I did not connect the sudden silences with her out of the hospital activities until last week when one of our coworkers complained about the loss of excitement in her 4 year old marriage and Michelle responded, "I have an idea that could help. Let's chat." When I allowed the two of them to withdraw into a quiet area without shadowing or teasing I became "an OK" guy to talk with about something that had been for "women only" until that moment.

We don't share the nitty gritty details, but Michelle did begin to share her journey with me. She had discovered a way to help others in a compassionate, caring manner that was supportive, non judgmental and just perfectly described the Art of Nursing. Below is the post I placed on my blog, Richard, RN about Michelle when she asked me to write the introduction to this, her blog.

I hope you all laugh, enjoy and learn from her as I have. She is a fabulous lady and a natural nurse.

MICHELLE, The Relationship Nurse
by Richard, RN

Some nurses find a way to help others when away from work. Extra income, something they enjoy or just because they feel better when then give emotionally to others are some of the reasons they find secondary occupations. (Occupation means jobs to me, but the long word sounds better in the sentence. Ha!! Take that 4th grade English teacher)

The stories they share should be sold to TV. I laugh until I cry or cry until I laugh at some of their stories. One of our Nurses, Michelle, has started working with Slumber Parties. She likes to solve "Relationship Issues" for her clients and she enjoys working with other women to improve the quality of their relationships. (yes, sometimes the men, but the men usually just follow the woman's lead. Yep, that's true for me.)

Michelle was sharing with us the other night and I laughed until I cried. As I listened I believed others would enjoy her stories as well. I am going to help her start a blog about her stories. The names and enough details will be changed to protect privacy, but the stories will all be based on real life stories. I hope you find them worthwhile.

A little about Michelle. Michelle is an excellent bedside nurse. Intelligent, compassionate, skilled and hard working.

She is a tiny little bundle of energy. She says she's five feet tall, but I think she's closer to 4 ft 10. She is small enough to still fit in her high school jeans even after 2 boys who are now in high school. (I just want to scream with envy over that, don't you?...)

She is still married to the father of her boys. He is over 6 feet tall and they look like an "odd couple" indeed. She started to work with Slumber Parties while trying to bring new life into her own relationship and has enjoyed the results and working with others so much she now spends as much time with her fun job (Slumber Time Parties) as she does on her "real job." I have watched her personality change and improve over the last year while she worked on her relationship and helped others.

I recall what I thought when I first heard her describe Slumber Time Parties. I thought "OOOOKK, a bunch of women sitting around laughing about sex toys while they bashed their men and got bashed on margaritas."

I did not want any part of that scene and felt that it was an example of dysfunctional relationships.

I was wrong.

OK I'll repeat that: I was wrong.

Michelle has used the information and tactics to repair her damaged marriage and is now teaching others to do the same. I did not have expected this type of behavior from her and I have been astounded.

Michelle has expanded her nursing. She now provides excellent nursing for those who need a medical nurse and for those who need a relationship nurse.

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